krizzy's Blog

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Grade 10 Journal Entry #5


I think Wii is just hype. Every time when a new console from Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo comes out, people are excited about it. After a period of time or when another new console comes out, people will stop talking about it. Wii is popular because of its motion sensor. Now Wii has the motion sensor, the next console might have a microphone with it, or even a 3D projector, then the hype of Wii is eventually fade out. For example, When Wii comes out, PSP, PS2, Xbox's hype decreased and faded out.

Although Wii is just hype, i still think it has a good impact on people that are playing it. In my opinion, i think Wii is good because you actually have to move your body around like you are doing exercises and it benefits our health. In the other way, although this sound really weird but i think it is true, I personally think that Wii's new system is Anti-Addictive. Since you have to move your body, you will eventually get tired and stop playing. If it is a computer game, people will probably stay up the whole night playing it.

A lot of people are concerned about Wii's safety issue. Once in a news report, it shows how people always accidentally throw their controllers towards the TV due to big movements. It tells us that technology are sometimes harmful.