krizzy's Blog

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Grade 10 Journal Entry Question #2

Grade 10 Journal Entry Question #2
An IPOD classroom?

1, I think I can learn well with an iPod. We are in a self-taught school and we learn things from units, which are all words, and probably some seminars but not much. If we are using an iPod, we can actually see what is really going on and it will be way easier to memorize things will images than words. Using iPod to learn can also help us to understand the course more than words. For example, a science experiment, we will understand it way more better in images than words.

2,I think MaryWard should embrace this technology.
Advantages :
Help understanding units because you can actually see the real thing with your eyes.
Easier to memorize things with images.
You can learn things even you are on the bus or on the street.
We can save them in our computer so we can review them anytime.
Student will have more interest in studying with iPods than papers.
With videos, teachers are able to explain something that cannot be explained just by words.
Student will lose their interest on reading things.
Student might not catch up to the speed of how the teacher in the video goes.
Student will have to buy their own iPods and some student might not to able to affort the price.
Student will have to look at the iPod screen for a long time and it will harm our eyes.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Journal Entry Question for Grade 10 #1

Journal Entry Question for Grade 10 #1
Modern-day communication technology like cell phone and text messager give us a chance to comunicate with people easily instead of sending letters.
For example:

Text messager
We can communicate with people through the computer and we can share our files like music or picture with our friends.
Some people will be addicted with it.
People will get use to unproper English like "lol" "btw" and it may affect their writing skills in real.
You might meet some bad people in the internet because you don't know them in real.

Cell Phone
We can communicate with people anytime, anywhere.
Some people will be addicted with talking to people on phone.
Talking on cell phone for too long will cause brain damage.

Have fun watching it.
Know more about the world by watching news report.
Will be addicted to it.
Some TV shows may contain bad messages for children and
the children might follow what ppl do in TV shows. For example, fighting and smoking ,etc.

Online Games
Get to know more people in the internet and have fun with the game.
Will always be addicted to it.
Affect your school marks.
Study less.
Some people will waste real money to buy things in the game.

Share your daily with people.
People can leave their messages.
People will know a lot about you (even a stranger),
They will know where do you always go and they can find you out.